Retrofitting Buildings for Climate Change by Painting the Roofs White [Video]


Climate change has become one of the most pressing global issues in recent years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that the world only has a dozen years to take action to prevent catastrophic levels of climate change. Despite this, many people are still skeptical about climate change and its effects.

Global warming and climate change are risks with issues that were not part of city planning and architecture way back in time. Nowadays, we might be facing infrastructure and building aspects that are not ideal for coping with any sort of warming effects and generally hotter summers. Europe is also affected by this, and in the video below, we wanted to show you an interesting concept of what people from Barcelona, Spain, have thought of.

Painting Barcelona’s roofs white could lower temperatures

In the video by Bloomberg Quicktake below, you can listen to Sergi Ventura, a meteorologist, and climate change researcher, explaining how painting the roofs of buildings white can reduce the temperature within constructions by 4.7° C during heatwaves. This might not be a high-tech solution, but it’s certainly a very interesting aspect if you consider that for a low-cost retrofitting and modernization. Of course, this would also alter the visual appeal of a city if the building tops were all painted white, but this might be worth it.

YouTube: Can Painting Roofs White Fight Heatwaves?

Photo credit: The feature image is symbolic and has been done by Aleksei.

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Christopher Isak
Christopher Isak
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