These Huge Robots Are Here for Combat [Video]


Some people build robots to solve a problem in the world. Others build them for entertainment purposes and that’s fine too. While you might have come across robot combat in TV shows such as Robot Wars and seen the movie Real Steel, the battling robots from MegaBots Inc are huge. They could be compared more to a Mecha than to the small robots from any TV show really.

The YouTube channel MegaBots Inc has provided not only great video content but whole seasons of clips to watch through all including giant robots fighting against each other. One of the fights was even a production with MegaBots Inc versus the Japanese company Suidobashi Heavy Industry and their tech. While MegaBots Inc might be broke by now, as it sounds like in a recent post on their website, they are still trying their best to keep the shop together and the videos coming for their fans.

Here’s just one example of what they do but make sure to visit their YouTube channel and watch the past fights as well. We wish them all the best. MechWarrior anyone? Enjoy!

YouTube: The giant robot duel

Photo credit: The feature image had been done by Michael Buist.
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Christopher Isak
Christopher Isak
Hi there and thanks for reading my article! I'm Chris the founder of TechAcute. I write about technology news and share experiences from my life in the enterprise world. Drop by on Twitter and say 'hi' sometime. ;)
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