How to Escape Education’s Death Valley [Video]


It’s not easy to come up with interesting ideas for the education sector but it’s not impossible to inspire others with new ideas. In his TED Talk “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”, Sir Ken Robinson discussed the problem of how education systems in many countries around the world are still largely based on outdated ideas about teaching and learning. But there is more – following up on the 2007 TED Talk, there was a newer feature in which Sir Ken Robinson was able to share additional insight.

In the TED Talk “How to Escape Education’s Death Valley”, Sir Ken Robinson discussed how education systems around the world need to move away from their traditional methods of teaching and learning, and instead focus on cultivating creativity in young people. He used personal examples and stories to illustrate this point, while also providing strategies for how schools can best teach children in a way that encourages creative thinking.

He also looked at how teachers need to be given more autonomy so they can develop new ways of engaging students. Ultimately, he argued that if we can create an educational system that fosters creativity and sets students up for success, we can help make a better future for our youth. You can now watch the video below.

YouTube: How to escape education’s death valley | Sir Ken Robinson

Photo credit: The feature image has been done by Tim Wilson, but was taken at a different event.

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Christopher Isak
Christopher Isak
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