The AI That Turns Photos 3D [Video]


Did you ever wish you had a photo in 3D? I was always interested in technology that could enhance existing photos or augment the way we capture photos with cameras but this demo by Two Minute Papers (Károly Zsolnai-Fehér) definitely caught my attention for what it shows.

Try it out: Google Research Collaboration Site

They are talking about an AI which creates 3D pictures based on existing photos. You could view the photos in 3D. What an interesting aspect to research and what a great potential the resulting solutions could have. What do you think? You can also support Two Minute Papers on Patreon if you like what they are doing.

YouTube: This AI Creates Beautiful 3D Photographs

Photo credit: The feature image is a still frame from the presented video and owned by Two Minute Papers.

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Christopher Isak
Christopher Isak
Hi there and thanks for reading my article! I'm Chris the founder of TechAcute. I write about technology news and share experiences from my life in the enterprise world. Drop by on Twitter and say 'hi' sometime. ;)
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