Unschooler: Your AI Vocational Mentor


When we were still students, many of us had a dream career. However, we often don’t have much of an idea about what to do to get there. Maybe getting a college degree will help, but is it enough? Can we be sure the education we are getting is all we need to achieve our dreams? Do we even need to go to college?

The answers to these questions, of course, may vary from person to person. That said, everyone can agree that it isn’t always easy to find them. This is where the Unschooler mentor comes in.

Unschooler iage showcasing a career suggestion
Image: Unschooler

AI to help realize your dream career

The Unschooler mentor helps you understand what you need to do to achieve your dream career. You can select one of six broad areas of expertise: science, people, tech, info, art, and business. The platform will then ask questions related to your future career.

It also has some other useful features. Unschooler keeps track of your skills by adding them to a skill map that’s unique to you. You can also ask it to expand on the information it has already given you. This is done by selecting the text and clicking one of four buttons: more, example, how to, explain, and a question mark icon that defines the selected text. There’s also a mobile app that analyzes text from pictures and explains tasks or concepts.

For users who are willing to part with some money, the Unschooler mentor has a few premium features. It can suggest other careers that may interest you through your YouTube history. It can also put tutorials together to help you improve skills within the suggested career paths.

Unschooler image showcasing personalized tutorials
Image: Unschooler

How useful is it?

I’ve tried this tool out in my own time, and I feel like this AI is most suited to people who already know what they want to dedicate themselves to, but don’t know how to get there. The information Unschooler can give you can be very useful, and those buttons that expand on selected text are great.

However, whenever you open it, it generates the same four suggested questions, all related to tech. They even remain the same after switching to different areas. When I used Unschooler, it only added new skills after making the first question in that session, too. I suggest avoiding those default suggestions unless you’re interested in those areas. Another criticism is that I never got the example button to work, although I may have been using it incorrectly.

So, if you already know what you want to dedicate yourself to, but don’t know how to get there, give the Unschooler mentor a try. Hopefully, they’ll make more improvements to it and make it even more useful for more people.

YouTube: Personal AI mentor on Unschooler

Photo credit: The images used are owned by Unschooler and have been provided for press usage.

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Gabriel Scharffenorth
Gabriel Scharffenorth
Thanks for reading my article! I'm a Venezuelan student, majoring in Modern Languages, and I'm very interested in video games, tech and writing. I'm also a language nerd (of course) and I'm fascinated by culture of all kinds. Hope my articles about tech and gaming are enjoyble for you to read!
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