What Happens If Others Do Your Trading on Twitch? [Video]


Maybe you always wondered what would happen if you invested 25 grand into an investment portfolio and let your Twitch subscribers manage it? Or maybe you didn’t. Yeah, it’s more likely that you didn’t.  Nevertheless, this sounds like an exciting experiment, and this is the project that Jonathan Ma from Joma Tech turned around. He first developed a trading bot system and then allowed others to do transactions within his portfolio. How did it end? Did trolls make sure they go broke in a day, or did the combined trading brainpower make a fortune? Check the video and find out. 😉

YouTube: I Built a Trading Bot to let Subscribers Trade my $25,000 on Twitch (Joma Tech)

Photo credit: The feature image is symbolic and was prepared by Linpaul Rodney.

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Christopher Isak
Christopher Isakhttps://techacute.com
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