Checklist Tool That Uses AI for Optimizing Workflows


As AI writing technology develops and expands, it will also continue to fulfill more specific demands. It started with AI that can simply generate stories or conversations, but now, an AI tool called can generate entire checklists for any task you can imagine.

Created in 2022 by Wilson Bright, the software lets you input whatever you want a checklist of and organizes it for you. It uses GPT-3 as its AI language model. Here’s a checklist generated from the prompt “Cleaning My Room.”

Sample Checklist
Image: Adrian Mark Pilanga / TechAcute

Making checklists

Admittedly, most AI writing tools are easy to use. Making checklists with is practically effortless. You can even check out the boxes right away. If you want to keep a digital copy for yourself, you can download each checklist you generate as a PDF file. Then it’s just a matter of printing it or checking it on your phone whenever the activity comes up. already offers over a thousand pre-made checklists that cover all sorts of topics like team management, housekeeping, and troubleshooting hardware and software. It might not be accurate when used for complicated activities. For example, if you wanted to know how to cook a specific dish and used the software to make a recipe for it, you likely won’t end up with a 100% accurate recipe to replicate that dish. Templates
Image: Adrian Mark Pilanga / TechAcute

Whether or not we’ll get to perfecting AI in the future, it’s certainly not perfect now. Always double-check the generated checklists to see if they missed something or if you would like to add some points. At the very least, can help ease the process of managing your tasks. If you want to try it out, the software offers 10 free checklists before you need to subscribe to a plan. Of course, you can always subscribe to the Starter plan which costs nothing. Meanwhile, the Pro plan starts at $8 per month.

Photo credit: The feature image has been taken by Rebecca Zeiber. The screenshots have been taken by the author for TechAcute.

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Adrian Mark Pilanga
Adrian Mark Pilanga
A lover of all thing nerdy, well, ALMOST all things (I'm looking at you every bad movie adaptation of video games ever). There's nothing better than talking about the things you're a huge fan of, so here I am.
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