New Alita Remake Trailer is in [Video]


We seem to be facing a trend of turning classic Anime flicks into modern day Hollywood blockbusters. Some might argue that many such remakes lose their heart and soul somewhere on the way in this process, but the remake of Battle Angel Alita (aka Gunnm) from 1993 looks very promising. I still have the old VHS of the Anime version and hold it dear but seeing the crew and cast of the new Alita: Battle Angel trailer gives me hope to think it will be a good movie after all.

This new movie, that is planned to hit theaters on July 20, 2018, is produced by James Cameron and Jon Landau. It’s directed by Robert Rodriguez. Cyberdoctor Daisuke Ido is played by Christoph Waltz, Vector is played by Mahershala Ali, and your favorite Hunter Warrior Alita (Gally) is played by a slightly CGI-modified Rosa Salazar. The huge Anime eyes creeped me out at first but I think it will work out. What do you think?

YouTube: Alita: Battle Angel | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Photo credit: Twentieth Century Fox

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Christopher Isak
Christopher Isak
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