4 Reasons Why ERP Implementations Can Go Wrong


Is your firm interested in purchasing a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system? Do you have a plan to guarantee that the project succeeds? Unfortunately, ERP implementation projects don’t always achieve the benefits that the company had expected. Why does this keep happening, and how can you be sure your new solution will generate the highest return on investment possible? Here are four reasons ERP implementations can go wrong and how you might be able to avoid them.

1. Data migration can often be a difficult task

It’s not enough to merely move data from one system to another; before putting it into the new ERP system, you must first verify that the information is correct and of high quality. It’s important to detect and repair any mistakes, inconsistencies, or redundancies that may have crept in throughout the migration procedure.

ERP implementation services revolve around the principle that ERP projects are not just technology-based, but rather business ventures that require compatible technology. Having a collaborative relationship with a tech partner is essential for assessing your data and migrating it in an effective way.

2. Vendor lacks the capacity to perform

The vendor you’ve chosen for your ERP implementation might not have the resources or personnel available to dedicate to your project. When this happens, it can lead to a number of problems, such as:

  • Unclear project deadlines
  • Incomplete or incorrect data migration
  • Lack of training

To avoid this issue, be sure to do your research on a potential vendor before signing any

contracts. Make sure they have a good reputation and are known for delivering quality results on time. Surely you can also ask your peers at other companies if they already ventured through a similar project.

Because every organization is constrained by government rules and standards or those of another parent body, whenever one of these authorities modifies the regulations and standards that apply to organizations and businesses, it is critical for those changes to be incorporated into the ERP in order for the company to be prepared for the change. The ERP Provider should be able to manage these modifications in advance or with minimal customer impact, as well as have the competence and manpower required to do so.

ERP Modules - ERP Implementation Services
Image: Shing Hin Yeung / Wikimedia Commons

3. Bias

One of the most usual underlying reasons for ERP implementations to fail is a hidden or internal bias. All humans have preconceptions, but the problem becomes much more apparent when you consider numerous counterparties who are pursuing their own economic interests rather than yours. One of the issues that arise as a result of machine technology transfer and the ERP software industry is this issue. There are various manifestations of prejudice. Here are some of them:

  • Only a small fragment of the workforce is involved
  • Brownfields make it hard to establish something new
  • Sometimes there is no culture for change

Vendors and systems integrators will prioritize pushing their own products over all others during the course of your digital transformation, regardless of whether or not the technology is suitable. For example, if you’re adopting SAP S/4HANA, you’ll undoubtedly encounter a lot of pressure to use HCM and procurement systems built on it. This is because SAP S/4HANA was created to simplify HR and procurement processes. This is due to the fact that both SAP S/4HANA and ERP5 are owned by SAP, rather than owing to some inherent compatibility between them.

4. Companies don’t prepare for their own future

ERP implementations are not something to take lightly. When businesses grow, their needs for an ERP system increase. Customers must be informed of the expenses involved with AMC, customization, after-sales assistance, and other similar services when purchasing an ERP system to avoid future conflict. Everything needs to scale. If a business fails to plan for this, it will not be able to take advantage of the benefits an ERP system can offer as it grows.

Why not plan for the future? Focus on your requirements today but consider the requirements of the future as well. As your business grows, you will have a system in place that can accommodate your needs.

By stopping the root problem that leads to ERP installation failures, one can increase the success rate

When it comes to ERP implementations, they can often go wrong for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons include bias, companies not preparing for their own future, and vendors pushing their own products over others. In order to ensure that the process goes smoothly, it is important to have a formal mechanism in place and to make sure that all changes are incorporated into the ERP system. By addressing these key issues, businesses can minimize the likelihood of failure during the digital transformation process.

To ensure that the process continues smoothly, it helps to have a formal mechanism in place. Third-party ERP implementation services might provide a team of professional solution experts with the capacity to examine your firm’s operations and offer you the best possible solution, whether on-premises or in the cloud, to meet all of your sector’s unique demands. However, in-house teams may also be able to get the job done if they have the right mix of skills and experience. The best way to ensure success is by having a team that’s dedicated to the project and invested in its success. It’s also important to make sure that all changes are incorporated into the ERP system.

YouTube: What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software?

Photo credit: The feature image has been done by Ischukigor. The infographic in the body of the article has been done by Shing Hin Yeung.

This guest article has been submitted by Evan Gilbort. While we appreciate guest contributions, it's important to note that the views expressed by the author are not necessarily reflective of those held by TechAcute.

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