DIY Wifi-Activated Remote Pet Feeder for Geeks with Pets


I’ve read several articles about how technology is supposedly making us less social and more isolated from real life. That doesn’t really compute to a geek like me who lives online. One thing I never thought about until today is whether or not tech can also make us less social with our pets. Regardless, this DIY wifi-activated pet feeder is just too cool, and I can’t wait to make one soon.

This geeky system would be useful to feed your dog, cat, rabbit, hamster, goldfish, lizard or just about any other kind of pet you have crawling or slithering around your house.

You can set it up so you push a button on your smartphone to feed your animals manually when you’re not at home (using Cloud Control). Or, if you are a super lazy pet owning geek, you can set it up to feed your critters automatically at a certain time every day, whether you are at home or not.

If you decide to design your pet feeder so it feeds Fido on an automatic feeding schedule, you can simply use the Date & Time Channel for IFTTT.

This pet feeder was conceived and created by the littleBits Electronics team. If you click over to the littleBits article entitled Remote Pet Feeder, you’ll not only see the simple directions, but you’ll be able to purchase the ‘bits’ you’ll need to make it. This would be a great DIY project to get kids interested in electronics.

There is unfortunately a downside to this pet feeder though. It won’t go to the store and purchase the pet food for you. You’ll still have to be bothered with logging into Amazon to order the food or driving to the pet store to buy it. What an inconvenience (jk). I guess there are still parts of real life that technology can’t completely take away.



Source: adafruit
Photo credit: littleBits

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Diana Adams
Diana Adams
Diana is a USC graduate, tech entrepreneur and member of the Apple Consultants Network. She has written 4,200+ blog posts around the blogosphere. She loves innovation, creativity and grande Java Chips. She's also a frequent user of the force. Connect with her on Twitter at @adamsconsulting or email me at
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